Thursday, 7 July 2011

Style hunter competition

Sorry for these days, but this week I don't have any extra time to dedicate to my blog. Just I want to share with you a competition that started in Westfield London last week. It 's the "Style Hunter Competition" basically all the shop choose (those ones that they want) choose the most stylist person in the shop and an outfit from the shop, westfield take a picture, put it in its facebook website and the people vote. Last week from Blanco we were working in the an outfit something that represents us and the company, and the result is in facebook website already and you can vote for it if you like it. Personally I think Eva looks beautiful, What do you think?
Perdon por todos estos dias sin escirbir, pero esta semana no tengo nada de tiempo extra para dedicarle al blog. Hoy voy a compartir con vocotros algo rapidillo, la "Style hunter Competition" basicamente consiste en que todas las tiendas que quieran participar tiene que elegir a la persona mas estiñosa de la tienda y elegir a su vez un outfit de la marca, Westfield saca una foto la pone en su pagina de facebook y se vota. Pues bien la semana pasada, desde Blanco Londres, estuvimos trabajando en un look que nos respresantara a nosotros y a la empresa y el resultado ya se puede votar en la pagina de facebook de Westfield. Personalmente creo que Eva esta preciosa, ¿tu que opinas?

Ps. You have to like westfield facebook web before like the picture if not you can't vote.
Ps. Te tiene que gustar la pagina de facebook westfield london antes de votar la foto si no, no te da la opcion.

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